Home – a photo

boot tray - Elizabeth Lavenza blog

Well, after a day or so of pondering, here is my photo in response to the idea of home.  And a mucky shot it is.  Because let’s face it, no matter how we may think of home in theory, in practice it is a hectic place, even if you are the only resident of that home — and I am most certainly not alone in my home.  I have an active husband and two very busy boys.  And it is the muddy end of winter, where my entrance is a particular disaster of boy and man stuff.  My boot tray the neatest area, with the bag of skates and the basket of ski gear on the floor on the other side of the door, the wet socks on the heating vent behind me.

So yes, here is my symbol of home, that transition between inside and outside that makes up my entranceway, or exit as the occasion requires.  A disorganized area full of good intentions, activity and the promise of a place to return to after a busy day.  Just take off your shoes and come in.

Author: karensnovemberbook

I am a textile artist, cafe owner and mother of two who has decided I don't have enough to do and so am going to write a novel in a month. Hey, it's easier with a clear deadline, right? Here goes. . .

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